I like stickers. Perhaps it's my Grateful Dead roots. If you like stickers and want 1 or 100 of these, just drop me a line. You can give them to just about anyone-- your religious school students, your campers, your counselors, your congregants.
They're 3 inches and round. No advertising or nonsense. Just a positive message created by an incredibly talented artist friend. Amazingly, I have t-shirts with the same. Doing this to help spread the word. Portion of "proceeds" goes to Tzedakah. Lord knows the world needs it. Note: the actual sticker fits perfectly inside the circle, unlike the picture above!
Some cds are available for purchase, some are meant to be distributed free of charge. Same with sheet music. Sheet music is beautifully and meticulously prepared. For those that know what this means it's worth noting that some pieces have SATB arrangements.