Hello, Goodbye & Peace (HG&P) is a project/vision of Rabbi Micah Lapidus. Not quite a band, not quite a record label, not quite an organization, HG&P is something more amorphous, experimental and fundamental. It's a way of thinking about matters musical, spiritual, intellectual, and communal, all with a Jewish twist. HG&P is:
- Original spiritual and Jewish music in dozens of genres and for many different occasions; beautifully produced and accessible to all
- Highly versatile and dynamic scholar/artist in residence with Ed.D. and focus on adolescent spirituality
- Blog devoted to Jewish music, Jewish education, spiritual development and other important topics
- An emerging community of musicians and artists across faith denominations
Micah speaking here-- HG&P is a way of putting my musical, rabbinical, spiritual, and literary creativity out there while trying to remove as much ego from the equation as possible. Visit my personal website to get a sense of what's going on besides music.
What could HG&P Bring to My Community?
What could HG&P bring to my community? Here are a few ideas:
- Beautiful music for all occasions. I/we could pay y'all a visit or support your resident musicians.
- Scholar-in-residence. Most communities have scholars-in-residence, but sometimes it's nice to hear from an outsider. Topics ranging from spirituality to Jewish education, to Torah to current events. Rabbinic and doctoral degrees make it easy to develop topics that reflect the culture and spirit of your community.
- Programming for teens and kids. As a full time Jewish Day School educator I love working with kids of all ages. Whether in the area of creative tefilah, songwriting workshops, spiritual portfolios, or leadership.
- Programming for lay and professional leadership. Religious school teachers, Early Childhood educators, youth engagement associates, Directors of Lifelong learning? Professional development when done well is a beautiful thing.
Whether for an existing scholar-in-residence weekend, a shabbaton, or some other special occasion, HG&P is committed to the highest quality with the least amount of drama or negotiation. Reach out!